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Rainfall Index Coverage

Insure against local, historical rainfall rates

Annual Forage

Annual Forage is a plan of insurance that insures against a decline in an index value that is based on the long-term historical average precipitation for a grid and index interval. It does not measure, capture or utilize the actual crop production of any producer.

Annual Forage insures annually planted forages and first year alfalfa.

Acreage reports are due monthly. Insurance periods are two-month intervals, start the month 

after the crop was planted and continue for three intervals (six months).

Sales Closing Date: July 15

Coverage Levels 70-90%, Productivity Factor 60-150%

Not required to insure all acres or crops planted; can pick and choose.

Get a quote on your acreage to see if it may work for your farm.

Quotes show historical rainfall and indemnities for each coverage level and interval.

Crops That Can Be Covered



-corn, field







-sorghum, dual -purpose


-sorghum, grain

-sorghum, -nongrain


Crops insured under Annual Forage must be reported to FSA as a forage crop, and not a cover crop.

Pasture Rangeland Forage

Pasture Rangeland Forage is a plan of insurance that insures against a decline in an index value that is based on the long-term historical average precipitation for a grid and index interval. It does not measure, capture or utilize the actual crop production or rainfall of any producer. Pasture Rangeland Forage insures perennial grasses used for grazing or haying.

There is only one acreage report and it is due by Dec 1. The insurance periods are two-month intervals. You can choose as few as two intervals as long as they do not overlap, or you can cover the entire year with 6 intervals.

Sales Closing Date: December 1

Coverage Levels 70-90%, Productivity Factor 60-150%

Not required to insure 100% of grassland acreage.

For the intended use of Grazing- the insurable interest is based upon the percentage of interest in the livestock or value gained of the livestock, not the land itself. If you have a loss, you will need to provide documentation of the share and proof of ownership of the livestock, and verification of land ownership or lease. If you need a lease form, we have ones that cover all needed information.

For the intended use of Haying- the insured will need to show proof of ownership or share on the ground, and/or lease documents.


Get a quote and see if it will work for your acreage.



104 E First St., Hillsboro, Ks 67063   

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